California and Texas Begin Reclosure Amid COVID19 Spikes

by: Staff

SACRAMENTO—As California counties began their re-opening of gyms, hair salons, nail salons, malls, and in-door dining this week for the first time since the spring shutdowns, the state’s governor has stepped in and signed a superseding executive order that will prohibit them from doing so.

Governor Gavin Newsom announced this week that he will be closing many of the industries that were finally given the green light to re-open, giving them 48 hours to abide by the order and close down.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world, leading finance markets to question whether the economy can take another hit.

The recent COVID-19 infection spikes around the nation have particularly struck California and Texas, with both states and Florida leading the spikes.

Similarly in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott recently caved and continues to order industries to shut down to avoid hospital overflows, as he was criticized by residents for not doing so.

If these infections are spreading so rapidly in the middle of summer, it’s a eerie glimpse of what’s to come in the upcoming fall season, riddled with other flu strains and viruses.


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1 thought on “California and Texas Begin Reclosure Amid COVID19 Spikes

  1. An absolute failure of leadership, on both sides and on all levels of government.


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